COMBO – Purchase the Starting and Growing Your Real Estate Investing While Staying Employed Program and Finding and Screening Tenants

Our two most popular online programs in one package

Starting and Growing Your Real Estate Investing While Staying Employed

– (formerly RISE) Online Program

Starting and Growing Your Real Estate Investing While Staying Employed – (formerly the RISE program) – the program to start and succeed in Real Estate Investing.

This is a self-directed, self-timed online training program where you will learn the 7 steps to finding, acquiring and managing investment properties with my proven 7-step process.


Finding and Screening Tenants in Canada

Step-by-step, online, self-directed tenant screening process.

From helping you create the right advertising message (and where to place them) to her hard-won tips, tricks and insider secrets for selecting the very best tenants.

Plus hand-picked library of resources to save you more time.

NOW – Fully updated process and steps to include additional videos addressing the new tenant/landlord environment brought about by the COVID crisis.


Original Price: $1,349.22

Both Program Worth


Buy now and save an additional $50 – only $1,094 plus HST

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