Young voices from the housing market: “Our financial life centres around the costs of our home…”

by | Jun 11, 2018 | Financing, Investing, Millennials, Real Estate | 0 comments

A lot of millennials are disgruntled about their economic situation, a recent poll showed. To find out more, The Globe & Mail asked young adult readers to talk about their work experience, their housing situation and what makes them angry and hopeful. You can read what they had to say by clicking here or copy and paste

I find it unfortunate that we keep portraying millennials as a generation that is less fortunate than the others were prior. There are different opportunities and challenges today like there were 30 years ago and 30 years prior to that. As the time evolves, we need to adapt and come up with different solutions to the new problems we face.

Some have realized that creating more than one source of income is the way to go and some are still living and thinking like their parents and following their parent’s outdated advice of going to school and getting a safe secure job for the most part. In this new economy, we should be looking at creating different sources of income in addition to our jobs. One huge advantage we have that the generation prior didn’t is access to information online. So much can be done with the internet that would not have been possible then.

As for housing, it is more expensive just like it will be even more expensive in 10 years from now. Taxes will also be higher than they are today. Let’s stop complaining about it and take action on buying investment properties that cash flow to offset our own cost of living instead. I am still baffled that so many people think they need to buy their own house to live in before but they can’t afford it. Look outside of any major city and buy something for half the price, rent it out and ensure its cash flows. The mortgage pays down over 10 years and perhaps some appreciation will allow you to save much faster and more efficiently for buying your residential property in the future.

Click the button below to download my free report – “The 10 Questions Millennials Always Ask Me About Real Estate Investing”


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